The parish pastoral council is an important consultative body of lay persons that comes together under the direction of the pastor to give him advice and support for the good of the parish community. It assists him in planning, coordinating, guiding and directing of all aspects of parish life.
The parish finance council is another consultative body of lay persons established to advise the pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish. Discussions between the pastor and the finance council reduce risk and uncertainty by identifying potential issues and concerns in advance of decisions and actions.
The relationship between the finance council and the pastoral council is one of working together for the good of the parish. The pastoral council assists the pastor with discerning and achieving the overall good of the parish and its mission, while the finance council helps the pastor ensure there are financial resources to develop and implement the parish’s vision.
These councils can also serve as intermediaries between the pastor and the wider body of parishioners, facilitating communication in both directions. For issues regarding the parish, you may contact the pastor directly, or one of the pastoral council or finance council members.
Rich Muir - Representing the Knights of Columbus
Abby Trossbach - Representing the Ladies of Charity
Shannon Langley - Representing the school's Partners in Education (PIE)
Jay Dameron
Barbara Bayne
Jane Collins
Madison Wood
Ann Wood
Deb Raley
Karen Bain